Source code for jsonstat.dataset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of
# Copyright (C) 2016 gf <>
# See LICENSE file

# stdlib
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from functools import reduce
import json

# packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import terminaltables

# jsonstat
from jsonstat.value import JsonStatValue
from jsonstat.dimension import JsonStatDimension
from jsonstat.exceptions import JsonStatException
from jsonstat.exceptions import JsonStatMalformedJson
from jsonstat.utility import lst2html

[docs]class JsonStatDataSet: """Represents a JsonStat dataset >>> import os, jsonstat # doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> filename = os.path.join(jsonstat._examples_dir, "", "oecd-canada-col.json") >>> dataset = jsonstat.from_file(filename).dataset(0) >>> dataset.label 'Unemployment rate in the OECD countries 2003-2014' >>> print(dataset) name: 'Unemployment rate in the OECD countries 2003-2014' label: 'Unemployment rate in the OECD countries 2003-2014' size: 432 +-----+---------+--------------------------------+------+--------+ | pos | id | label | size | role | +-----+---------+--------------------------------+------+--------+ | 0 | concept | indicator | 1 | metric | | 1 | area | OECD countries, EU15 and total | 36 | geo | | 2 | year | 2003-2014 | 12 | time | +-----+---------+--------------------------------+------+--------+ >>> dataset.dimension(1) +-----+--------+----------------------------+ | pos | idx | label | +-----+--------+----------------------------+ | 0 | 'AU' | 'Australia' | | 1 | 'AT' | 'Austria' | | 2 | 'BE' | 'Belgium' | | 3 | 'CA' | 'Canada' | | 4 | 'CL' | 'Chile' | | 5 | 'CZ' | 'Czech Republic' | | 6 | 'DK' | 'Denmark' | | 7 | 'EE' | 'Estonia' | | 8 | 'FI' | 'Finland' | | 9 | 'FR' | 'France' | | 10 | 'DE' | 'Germany' | | 11 | 'GR' | 'Greece' | | 12 | 'HU' | 'Hungary' | | 13 | 'IS' | 'Iceland' | | 14 | 'IE' | 'Ireland' | | 15 | 'IL' | 'Israel' | | 16 | 'IT' | 'Italy' | | 17 | 'JP' | 'Japan' | | 18 | 'KR' | 'Korea' | | 19 | 'LU' | 'Luxembourg' | | 20 | 'MX' | 'Mexico' | | 21 | 'NL' | 'Netherlands' | | 22 | 'NZ' | 'New Zealand' | | 23 | 'NO' | 'Norway' | | 24 | 'PL' | 'Poland' | | 25 | 'PT' | 'Portugal' | | 26 | 'SK' | 'Slovak Republic' | | 27 | 'SI' | 'Slovenia' | | 28 | 'ES' | 'Spain' | | 29 | 'SE' | 'Sweden' | | 30 | 'CH' | 'Switzerland' | | 31 | 'TR' | 'Turkey' | | 32 | 'UK' | 'United Kingdom' | | 33 | 'US' | 'United States' | | 34 | 'EU15' | 'Euro area (15 countries)' | | 35 | 'OECD' | 'total' | +-----+--------+----------------------------+ >>> JsonStatValue(idx=0, value=5.943826289, status=None) """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None): """Initialize an empty dataset. Dataset could have a name (key) if we parse a jsonstat format version 1. :param name: dataset name (for jsonstat v.1) """ self.__valid = False self.__name = name self.__title = None self.__label = None self.__source = None # dimensions self.__dim_nr = 0 # len(self.__pos2dim) self.__pos2size = [] # array int -> int (dimension size) self.__pos2mult = None # array int -> multiplicative factor self.__pos2dim = [] # array int -> dim self.__did2dim = {} # dict id -> dim self.__lbl2dim = {} # dict lbl -> dim self.__value = None self.__status = None
@property def name(self): """ :getter: returns the name of the dataset :type: string """ return self.__name @property def label(self): """ :getter: returns the label of the dataset :type: string """ return self.__label def __str__(self): out = "" if self.__name is not None: out += "name: '{}'\n".format(self.__name) if self.__title is not None: out += "title: '{}'\n".format(self.__title) if self.__label is not None: out += "label: '{}'\n".format(self.__label) if self.__source is not None: out += "source: '{}'\n".format(self.__label, self.__source) out += "size: {}".format(len(self)) out += "\n" out += self.__str__dimensions() return out def __repr__(self): """used by ipython to make a better representation""" return self.__str__() def _repr_html_(self): """used by ipython to make a better representation""" html = "" if self.__name is not None: html += "name: '{}'</br>".format(self.__name) if self.__title is not None: html += "title: '{}'</br>".format(self.__title) if self.__label is not None: html += "label: '{}'</br>".format(self.__label) if self.__source is not None: html += "source: '{}'</br>".format(self.__label, self.__source) html += "size: {}</br>".format(len(self)) lst = self.__dim_to_table() html += lst2html(lst) return html
[docs] def __len__(self): """returns the size of the dataset""" return len(self.__value)
# # dimensions #
[docs] def dimensions(self): """returns list of JsonStatDimension""" return self.__pos2dim
[docs] def dimension(self, spec): """get a JsonStatDimension by spec :param spec: spec can be: - (string) or id of the dimension - int position of dimension :returns: a JsonStatDimension """ if type(spec) is int: return self.__pos2dim[spec] if spec not in self.__did2dim: msg = "dataset '{}': unknown dimension '{}' know dimensions ids are: {}" msg = msg.format(self.__name, spec, ", ".join( [dim.did for dim in self.__pos2dim])) raise JsonStatException(msg) return self.__did2dim[spec]
def __dim_to_table(self): lst = [["pos", "id", "label", "size", "role"]] for i, dim in enumerate(self.__pos2dim): row = [str(i), dim.did, dim.label, str(len(dim)), dim.role] row = list(map(lambda x: "" if x is None else x, row)) lst.append(row) return lst def __str__dimensions(self): lst = self.__dim_to_table() table = terminaltables.AsciiTable(lst) # table.justify_columns = {2: "right", 4: "right"} out = table.table return out
[docs] def info_dimensions(self): """print same info on dimensions on stdout""" print(self.__str__dimensions())
# # querying value/status #
[docs] def data(self, *args, **kargs): """Returns a JsonStatValue containings value and status about a datapoint The datapoint will be retrieved according the parameters :param args: - data(<int>) where i is index into the - data(<list>) where lst = [i1,i2,i3,...]) each i indicate the dimension len(lst) == number of dimension - data(<dict>) where dict is {k1:v1, k2:v2, ...} dimension of size 1 can be ommitted :param kargs: - data(k1=v1,k2=v2,...) where **ki** are the id or label of dimension **vi** are the index or label of the category dimension of size 1 can be ommitted :returns: a JsonStatValue object kargs { cat1:value1, ..., cati:valuei, ... } cati can be the id of the dimension or the label of dimension valuei can be the index or label of category ex.:{country:"AU", "year":"2014"} >>> import os, jsonstat # doctest: +ELLIPSIS >>> filename = os.path.join(jsonstat._examples_dir, "", "oecd-canada-col.json") >>> dataset = jsonstat.from_file(filename).dataset(0) >>> JsonStatValue(idx=0, value=5.943826289, status=None) >>>'UNR', area='AU', year='2003') JsonStatValue(idx=0, value=5.943826289, status=None) >>>'AU', year='2003') JsonStatValue(idx=0, value=5.943826289, status=None) >>>{'area':'AU', 'year':'2003'}) JsonStatValue(idx=0, value=5.943826289, status=None) """ if not self.__valid: raise JsonStatException('dataset not initialized') # decoding args idx = self._2idx(*args, **kargs) value = self.__value[idx] # # status # if self.__status is None: status = None elif isinstance(self.__status, str): status = self.__status elif isinstance(self.__status, list) and len(self.__status) == 1: status = self.__status[0] elif isinstance(self.__status, dict) and idx not in self.__status: status = None else: status = self.__status[idx] return JsonStatValue(idx, value, status)
[docs] def value(self, *args, **kargs): """get a value For the parameters see py:meth:``. :returns: value (typically a number) """ # TODO: add onlyvalue=true to extract only the value return*args, **kargs).value
[docs] def status(self, *args, **kargs): """get datapoint status For the parameters see py:meth:``. :returns: status (typically a string) """ # TODO: add onlystatus=true to extract only the value? return*args, **kargs).status
def __value_from_vec_pos(self, lst): """ :param lst: [0,3,4] :returns: value at dimension [0,3,4] """ return self.__value[self.lint_as_idx(lst)] # # dataset can be access using different type of indexes # simple index is integer. # ex. # other type of idexes # lint [ <int1>, <int2>, <int3> ...] # lcat [ <cat1>, <cat2>, ... ] # dcat [ <did1>:<cat1>, <did2>:<cat1>, ... ] # this functions are only for library internal usage # def _2idx(self, *args, **kargs): """convert args to integer index """ if len(args) == 1: # data(int) if isinstance(args[0], int): return args[0] # data([i1,i2,i3]) elif isinstance(args[0], list): idx = self.lint_as_idx(args[0]) return idx # data({k1:v1, k2:v2}) elif isinstance(args[0], dict): dims = args[0] apos = self.dcat_to_lint(dims) idx = self.lint_as_idx(apos) return idx elif len(args) == 0: # data(k1:v1, k2:v2) dims = kargs # print(dims) apos = self.dcat_to_lint(dims) # print(apos) idx = self.lint_as_idx(apos) # print(idx) return idx msg = "unexpected parameters" raise JsonStatException(msg) def dcat_to_lint(self, dims): """Transforms a dimension dict to dimension array :: {"country":"AU", "year":2014} -> [1,2,3] :param dims: keys are dimension (id or label), value are categories "country" is the id of dimension "AU" is the category of dimension :returns: a list of integer """ apos = len(self.__pos2dim) * [0] for (cat, val) in dims.items(): # key is id if cat in self.__did2dim: dim = self.__did2dim[cat] # key is label elif cat in self.__lbl2dim: dim = self.__lbl2dim[cat] # key is not id or label so raise error else: allowed_categories = ", ".join( ["'{}'".format(dim.did) for dim in self.__pos2dim]) msg = "dataset '{}': category '{}' don't exists allowed categories are: {}" msg = msg.format(self.__name, cat, allowed_categories) raise JsonStatException(msg) apos[dim.pos] = dim.category(val).pos return apos def lint_as_idx(self, lst): """from a list of position get a index into value array [1,2,3] -> 10 :param lst: list of integer :returns: an integer index into values """ s = np.array(self.__pos2mult) r = s * lst return np.sum(r) def idx_as_lint(self, idx): """ 10 -> [<int1>, <int2>, ...] """ lint = self.__dim_nr * [0] i = len(self.__pos2size) - 1 while idx > 0 and i != 0: lint[i] = idx % self.__pos2size[i] idx -= (lint[i] * self.__pos2mult[i]) i -= 1 return lint def idx_as_lcat(self, idx): lint = self.idx_as_lint(idx) lcat = self.lint_as_lcat(lint) return lcat def lint_as_lcat(self, lint, without_one_dimension=False): """transforms an array of int into an array of cat [0,3,4] -> ['dimension 1 index', 'dimension 2 label', 'dimension 3 label'] :param lint: [0,3,4] :returns: ['dimension 1 index', 'dimension 2 label', 'dimension 3 label'] """ lcat = [] for pos, lint_pos in enumerate(lint): dim = self.__pos2dim[pos] if not (without_one_dimension and len(dim) == 1): cat = dim._pos2cat(lint_pos).index lcat.append(cat) return lcat def _lint_to_llbl(self, apos, without_one_dimension=False): """transforms on array of dim into an array of label :param apos: [0,3,4] :returns: ['dimension 1 label or index', 'dimension 2 label or index', 'dimension 3 label or index'] """ # vec_idx = len(vec_pos) * [None] aidx = [] for pos in range(len(apos)): dim = self.__pos2dim[pos] lbl = dim._pos2cat(apos[pos]).label if lbl is None: lbl = dim._pos2cat(apos[pos]).index # vec_idx[i] = lbl if not (without_one_dimension and len(dim) == 1): aidx.append(lbl) return aidx def _from_aidx_to_adim(self, ldid): """From a list of dimension name to a list of numerical dimension position F.e. ["year", "country"] -> [1,0] ["country", "year"] -> [0,1] :returns: list of number """ return [self.__did2dim[did].pos for did in ldid] # # generators # def all_pos(self, blocked_dims={}, order=None): """all_pos doc :param blocked_dims: {"year":2013, country:"IT"} :param order: order :returns: """ nr_dim = len(self.__pos2dim) if order is not None: if len(order) != nr_dim: msg = "length of the order vector is different from number of dimension {}".format( nr_dim) raise JsonStatException(msg) if not isinstance(order[1], int): order = [self.__did2dim[iid].pos for iid in order] vec_pos_blocked = nr_dim * [False] vec_pos = nr_dim * [0] for (cat, idx) in blocked_dims.items(): d = self.dimension(cat) vec_pos_blocked[d.pos] = True vec_pos[d.pos] = d._idx2pos(idx) pos2size = self.__pos2size if order is None: vec_dimension_reorder = range(nr_dim) else: vec_dimension_reorder = order nrd = nr_dim - 1 while nrd >= 0: yield list(vec_pos) # make a shallow copy of vec_pos nrd = nr_dim - 1 cur_dim = vec_dimension_reorder[nrd] # se la posizione non e bloccata allora puoi far andare avanti la cifra if not vec_pos_blocked[cur_dim]: vec_pos[cur_dim] += 1 # se non si arrivati all'ultima dimensione # e se la dimensione corrente non e al massimo valore o se la dimensione corrente e bloccata while nrd >= 0 and \ (vec_pos[cur_dim] == pos2size[cur_dim] or vec_pos_blocked[cur_dim]): # se la posizione non e' bloccata allora puoi far partire il valore dall'inizio if not vec_pos_blocked[cur_dim]: vec_pos[cur_dim] = 0 # esamina la prossima posizione nrd -= 1 # se la dimensione corrente non e' la prima if nrd >= 0: cur_dim = vec_dimension_reorder[nrd] # se la dimensione corrente non e bloccata puoi farla avanzare if not vec_pos_blocked[cur_dim]: vec_pos[cur_dim] += 1 def generate_all_vec(self, **blocked_dims): for vec_pos in self.all_pos(blocked_dims): vec_idx = self.lint_as_lcat(vec_pos) value = self.__value_from_vec_pos(vec_pos) # # transforming function #
[docs] def to_table(self, content="label", order=None, rtype=list, blocked_dims={}, value_column="Value", without_one_dimensions=False): """Transforms a dataset into a table (a list of row) table len is the size of dataset + 1 for headers :param content: can be "label" or "id" :param order: :param rtype: :param blocked_dims: :returns: a list of row, first line is the header """ table = [] # header if content == "label": header = [dim.label for dim in self.__pos2dim] else: header = [dim.did for dim in self.__pos2dim] header.append(value_column) # data table.append(header) for apos in self.all_pos(order=order, blocked_dims=blocked_dims): value = self.__value_from_vec_pos(apos) if content == "label": row = self._lint_to_llbl( apos, without_one_dimension=without_one_dimensions) else: row = self.lint_as_lcat( apos, without_one_dimension=without_one_dimensions) row.append(value) table.append(row) if rtype == pd.DataFrame: ret = pd.DataFrame(table[1:], columns=table[0]) else: ret = table return ret
[docs] def to_data_frame(self, index=None, content="label", order=None, blocked_dims={}, value_column="Value"): """Transform dataset to pandas data frame extract_bidimensional("year", "country") generate the following dataframe: year | country 2010 | 1 2011 | 2 2012 | 3 :param index: :param content: :param blocked_dims: :param order: :param value_column: :returns: """ df = self.to_table(content=content, order=order, rtype=pd.DataFrame, blocked_dims=blocked_dims, value_column=value_column) # TODO: avoid creating a new dataframe (?) # df.index = df[index] # del df[index] if index: df = df.set_index([index]) return df
# # Parsing code #
[docs] def from_file(self, filename): """read a jsonstat from a file and parse it to initialize this dataset. It is better to use :py:meth:`jsonstat.from_file` :param filename: path of the file. :returns: itself to chain calls """ with open(filename) as f: json_string = self.from_string(json_string) return self
[docs] def from_string(self, json_string): """parse a string containing a jsonstat and initialize this dataset It is better to use :py:meth:`jsonstat.from_string` :param json_string: string containing a jsonstat :returns: itself to chain calls """ json_data = json.loads(json_string) self.from_json(json_data) return self
[docs] def from_json(self, json_data): """parse a json structure and initialize this dataset It is better to use py:meth:`jsonstat.from_json` :param json_data: json structure :returns: itself to chain calls """ if "version" in json_data: # assume version 2 self._from_json_v2(json_data) else: self._from_json_v1(json_data) return self
def _from_json_v1(self, json_data): """parse a json structure according to jsonstat format version 1.x .. warning:: this is an internal library function (it is not public api) :param json_data: json structure """ if 'label' in json_data: self.__label = json_data['label'] if self.__name is None: self.__name = self.__label if 'source' in json_data: self.__source = json_data['source'] if 'title' in json_data: self.__title = json_data['title'] # parsing value if 'value' not in json_data: msg = "dataset '{}': missing 'value' key".format(self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) self.__value = json_data['value'] if len(self.__value) == 0: msg = "dataset '{}': field 'value' is empty".format(self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) # # parsing status # # eurostat has the following structure for status # status : { # 'value' : { "": "" } # 'category' : { ... } # } if 'status' in json_data: self.__status = json_data['status'] if isinstance(self.__status, list): if len(self.__status) != 1 and len(self.__status) != len( self.__value): msg = "dataset '{}': incorrect size of status fields" raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) if isinstance(self.__status, dict): # convert key into int # eurostat data has incorrect status { "":"" } nd = {} for k, v in self.__status.items(): try: nd[int(k)] = v except ValueError: pass self.__status = nd # # parsing dimension # if 'dimension' not in json_data: msg = "dataset '{}': missing 'dimension' key".format(self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) json_data_dimension = json_data['dimension'] if 'id' not in json_data_dimension: msg = "dataset '{}': missing '' key".format( self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) if 'size' not in json_data_dimension: msg = "dataset '{}': missing 'dimension.size' key".format( self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) pos2iid = json_data_dimension['id'] self.__pos2size = json_data_dimension['size'] # # expose dimension sizes as strings instead of integers. for i, e in enumerate(self.__pos2size): self.__pos2size[i] = int(e) self.__dim_nr = len(pos2iid) # validate dimension if len(pos2iid) != len(self.__pos2size): msg = "dataset '{}': dataset_id is different of dataset_size".format( self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) json_data_roles = None if 'role' in json_data_dimension: json_data_roles = json_data_dimension['role'] self.__parse_dimensions(json_data_dimension, json_data_roles, pos2iid) # validate size_total = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, self.__pos2size) if len(self.__value) != size_total: msg = "dataset '{}': size {} is different from calculate size {} by dimension" msg = msg.format(self.__name, len(self.__value), size_total) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) self.__compute_pos2mult() self.__valid = True def _from_json_v2(self, json_data): """parse a jsonstat structure compliant to jsonstat format version 2.x .. warning:: this is an internal library function (it is not public api) :param json_data: json structure keys to be parsed - version - class: "dataset" - href: url - label: "..." - id: <list of dimension id> - size: <list of integer, size of dimension> - role: roles of dimension - value: <list of values> - status - dimension - link :: { "class" : "dataset", "href" : "", "label" : "Unemployment rate in the OECD countries 2003-2014" } """ if "href" in json_data: self.__href = json_data["href"] if 'label' in json_data: self.__label = json_data['label'] if self.__name is None: self.__name = self.__label if "id" not in json_data: if "href" in json_data: # todo skip the next section??? # todo: download data? return # value is required # # TODO: value into a numpy array? self.__value = json_data['value'] if len(self.__value) == 0: msg = "dataset '{}': field 'value' is empty".format(self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) pos2iid = json_data['id'] self.__pos2size = json_data['size'] # # expose dimension sizes as strings instead of integers. for i, e in enumerate(self.__pos2size): self.__pos2size[i] = int(e) self.__dim_nr = len(pos2iid) # validate len(ids) == len(sizes) if len(pos2iid) != len(self.__pos2size): msg = "dataset '{}': dataset_id is different of dataset_size".format( self.__name) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) # # parsing status if 'status' in json_data: self.__status = json_data['status'] if isinstance(self.__status, list): if len(self.__status) != 1 and len(self.__status) != len( self.__value): msg = "dataset '{}': incorrect size of status fields" raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) if isinstance(self.__status, dict): # convert key into int self.__status = {int(k): v for k, v in self.__status.items()} # dimension json_data_roles = None if 'role' in json_data: json_data_roles = json_data['role'] json_data_dimension = json_data["dimension"] self.__parse_dimensions(json_data_dimension, json_data_roles, pos2iid) # TODO: parsing link self.__compute_pos2mult() self.__valid = True def __parse_dimensions(self, json_data_dimension, json_data_roles, pos2iid): """Parse dimension in json stat it used for format v1 and v2 :param json_data_dimension: :param json_data_roles: :returns: """ # parsing roles roles = {} if json_data_roles is not None: json_roles = json_data_roles for r in json_roles.items(): role = r[0] for dname in r[1]: roles[dname] = role # parsing each dimensions self.__pos2dim = self.__dim_nr * [None] for dpos, dname in enumerate(pos2iid): dsize = self.__pos2size[dpos] if dname not in json_data_dimension: msg = "dataset '{}': malformed json: missing key {} in dimension".format( self.__name, dname) raise JsonStatException(msg) dimension = JsonStatDimension(dname, dsize, dpos, roles.get(dname)) dimension.from_json(json_data_dimension[dname]) self.__did2dim[dname] = dimension self.__pos2dim[dpos] = dimension if dimension.label is not None: self.__lbl2dim[dimension.label] = dimension def __compute_pos2mult(self): acc = 1 self.__pos2mult = self.__dim_nr * [1] i = self.__dim_nr - 2 while i >= 0: acc = acc * self.__pos2size[i + 1] self.__pos2mult[i] = acc i -= 1