Source code for jsonstat.parse_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of
# Copyright (C) 2016 gf <>
# See LICENSE file

# stdlib
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import OrderedDict
import json

# jsonstat
from jsonstat.exceptions import JsonStatMalformedJson
from jsonstat.downloader import *
from jsonstat.collection import JsonStatCollection
from jsonstat.dataset import JsonStatDataSet
from jsonstat.dimension import JsonStatDimension

[docs]def from_file(filename): """read a file containing a jsonstat format and return the appropriate object :param filename: file containing a jsonstat :returns: a JsonStatCollection, JsonStatDataset or JsonStatDimension object example >>> import os, jsonstat >>> filename = os.path.join(jsonstat._examples_dir, "", "oecd-canada-col.json") >>> o = jsonstat.from_file(filename) >>> type(o) <class 'jsonstat.collection.JsonStatCollection'> """ with open(filename) as f: json_string = return from_string(json_string)
[docs]def from_string(json_string): """parse a jsonstat string and return the appropriate object :param json_string: string containing a json :returns: a JsonStatCollection, JsonStatDataset or JsonStatDimension object """ try: json_data = json.loads(json_string, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: raise JsonStatException("invalid json") return from_json(json_data)
[docs]def from_json(json_data): """transform a json structure into jsonstat objects hierarchy :param json_data: data structure (dictionary) representing a json :returns: a JsonStatCollection, JsonStatDataset or JsonStatDimension object >>> import json, jsonstat >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> json_string_v1 = '''{ ... "oecd" : { ... "value": [1], ... "dimension" : { ... "id": ["one"], ... "size": [1], ... "one": { "category": { "index":{"2010":0 } } } ... } ... } ... }''' >>> json_data = json.loads(json_string_v1, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) >>> jsonstat.from_json(json_data) JsonstatCollection contains the following JsonStatDataSet: +-----+---------+ | pos | dataset | +-----+---------+ | 0 | 'oecd' | +-----+---------+ """ o = None if "version" in json_data: # if version present assuming version 2 of jsonstat format if "class" in json_data: if json_data["class"] == "collection": o = JsonStatCollection() o._from_json_v2(json_data) elif json_data["class"] == "dataset": o = JsonStatDataSet() o._from_json_v2(json_data) elif json_data["class"] == "dimension": o = JsonStatDimension() o.from_json(json_data) else: msg = "unknown class {}".format(json_data["class"]) raise JsonStatMalformedJson(msg) else: # if version is not present assuming version 1.0 of jsonstat format o = JsonStatCollection() o._from_json_v1(json_data) return o
# global module variable (simulate a singleton) __downloader__ = None
[docs]def cache_dir(cached_dir='', time_to_live=None): """Manage the directory ``cached_dir`` where to store downloaded files without parameter return the ``cached_dir`` directory with a parameters set the directory :param cached_dir: :param time_to_live: """ global __downloader__ if cache_dir == '' and time_to_live is None: if __downloader__ is None: return __downloader__.cache_dir() __downloader__ = Downloader(cached_dir, time_to_live) return __downloader__.cache_dir()
[docs]def download(url, pathname=None): """download a url and return the downloaded content`` :param url: ex.: :param pathname: If ``pathname`` is defined the contents of the url will be stored into the file ``<cache_dir>/pathname`` If ``pathname`` is None the filename will be automatic generated. If ``pathname`` is an absolute path cache_dir will be ignored. :returns: the contents of url To set dir where to store downloaded file see :py:meth:`jsonstat.cache_dir`. Cache expiration policy can be customized """ global __downloader__ if __downloader__ is None: __downloader__ = Downloader() if pathname is None: return elif not os.path.isabs(pathname): return, pathname) else: tmp_cache_dir = os.path.dirname(pathname) d = Downloader(tmp_cache_dir) return, os.path.basename(pathname))
[docs]def from_url(url, pathname=None): """download an url and return the downloaded content. see :py:meth:`` for how to use pathname parameter. :param url: ex.: :param pathname: If ``pathname`` is defined the contents of the url will be stored into the file ``<cache_dir>/pathname`` If ``pathname`` is None the filename will be automatic generated. If ``pathname`` is an absolute path cache_dir will be ignored. :returns: the contents of url To set dir where to store downloaded file see :py:meth:`jsonstat.cache_dir`. Cache expiration policy can be customized example: >>> import jsonstat >>> # cache_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(jsonstat.__fixtures_dir, "")) >>> # download external content into the /tmp dir so next downloads can be faster >>> uri = '' >>> jsonstat.cache_dir("/tmp") '/tmp' >>> o = jsonstat.from_url(uri) >>> print(o) JsonstatCollection contains the following JsonStatDataSet: +-----+----------+ | pos | dataset | +-----+----------+ | 0 | 'oecd' | | 1 | 'canada' | +-----+----------+ """ json_string = download(url, pathname) return from_string(json_string)
def validate(spec): try: import jsonschema import strict_rfc3339 # validate date-time format in jsonschema except ImportError: print("to validate install jsonschema and strict_rfc3339") return from jsonstat.schema import JsonStatSchema if not isinstance(spec, dict): json_data = json.loads(spec, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) else: json_data = spec if "version" not in json_data: raise JsonStatException("cannot validate jsonstat version < 2.0") # schema = JsonStatSchema() jsonstat_schema_url = "" contents = download(jsonstat_schema_url) schema = json.loads(contents) validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema, format_checker=jsonschema.FormatChecker()) # validator.validate(json_data) errors = sorted(validator.iter_errors(json_data), key=lambda e: e.path) return len(errors) == 0